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Engzelius Takes Terre Blanche Ladies Open Title

发布日期:2018-04-09 00:02:17   来源:骏高尔夫

Norway's Marita Engzelius claimed the Terre Blanche Ladies Open title in a weather shortened event at the Terre Blanche Resort in Tourrettes on Sunday. Strong winds curtailed the tournament to 36 holes and Engzelius, with a three shot lead going into the final day, took home the trophy.

The 30-year-old recorded rounds of 67 and 69, to sit at 8 under after the first two days. Sunday brought strong winds during the morning and just as the leading groups were nearing the turn, it was decided that conditions were becoming dangerous on the tree lined course.

Play was suspended with the hope of the winds subsiding in the afternoon. The players resumed at 14.30 but shortly afterwards, the final day was cancelled. Emma Nilsson of Sweden finished in second place at 5 under par and Ursula Wikstrom of Finland and Spain's Noemi Jimenez, were both a shot further back  in third.

About Terre Blanche Hotel Spa Golf Resort

位于瓦尔省图尔雷特市,有一座集高尔夫、水疗和家庭度假为一体的休闲胜地,隐匿在山峦之中,距离群星闪耀的戛纳仅35分钟车程。受到普罗旺斯美丽风景的启发,两座18洞锦标赛级别的高尔夫球场Le Château和Le Riou就坐落在它的中心,也是欧洲唯一拥有 “欧洲高尔夫球巡回赛会所”(European Tour Performance Institute)认证资格的球场。每位高尔夫球手均得以在最佳条件下学习高尔夫技巧,磨练更高超的球技,这便是欧巡赛研究机构存在的最大价值。

布兰奇高尔夫水疗度假村1999年开业,拥有绝佳角度俯瞰普罗旺斯村庄的自然风景,是一处无与伦比的世外桃源。球场由戴维·托马斯设计,风格奢华,被认为是欧洲最好的高尔夫俱乐部之一。专业训练与打球乐趣完美结合着普罗旺斯美不胜收的景致,对高尔夫球手而言,绝对是顶级享受。 伴随着薰衣草的花期,为季节性酒店,2018年3月至11月客房正式接受预定。无论何时,在方圆20公里之内,不含布兰奇高尔夫俱乐部在内,你还可以找到五座高尔夫球场及两座滑雪场。

1979年,肖恩·康纳利(Sean Connery),以主演詹姆斯邦德而著名的苏格兰演员,因看重布兰奇地产的投资价值而购买了城堡及周边的数百公顷地产。20年后,德裔著名体育投资人,福布斯财富榜68位,以科技发家的迪特马·霍普(Dietmar Hopp)从肖恩·康纳利处将城堡与周边266公顷的地产买走,其中包括布兰奇第一处尚未建成的高尔夫球场。年轻时便是高尔夫爱好者的迪特马·霍普第一眼看到布兰奇的风光时,便深深地相信,这一片浩瀚的土地便是他梦想中高尔夫球场应当的样子。他仿佛看到一个梦想的实现:每年至少300天温煦的阳光,宁静的旷野,与绝佳的草场。宁静了三百年的布兰奇依旧宁静,只是宁静中又添了尊贵,舒适与享受。

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